02 May, 2007

Mumzy Hester Day

I love my Monday outings with Hester. We went shopping for Clementine's birthday this week. It was awesome. We found a great deal on . . . Oh, no, Clementine! No peaking!

Last week, I pulled a new parent forgetful moment. I packed up everything I could think of in my diaper bag for the afternoon of errands. We got to the mall and Hester started to cry. So I headed to Starbucks, got a drink and lunch, and sat down to feed her. I had her bottle with the water measured out but had forgotten to put the container of formula powder into my bag. So we booked it out of the mall and drove to Target. There, I bought more formula (and some $.99 onesies on sale!! Go big C). We then drove to another Starbucks where she enjoyed a soy formula and I had another drink.

This week's outing was much calmer and more organized. I did not forget anything. We strolled the mall and shopped until Hester was hungry. So we went to Starbucks. We did have a great time dancing to "Day-o" and laughing at the Starbucks. Yes, I go to Starbucks a lot with her but it is not for the drinks. Here are my reasons for going there.
1. They let you sit there as long as you want.
2. They have clean bathrooms.
3. They have changing tables in the bathrooms.
4. They are pleasant and have nice chairs.
5. They often play good music which makes slow feedings much more enjoyable for Mumzy!
6. OK, I'll admitt it, I like the drinks there.

I cannot wait for next weeks adventure! I don't know what it is yet. Hey Hester, do you have any good ideas?


LymeAware said...

Sounds like fun! I understand about Starbucks. I try and suport local places, but often I just feel like I need the feeling of Starbucks- the music, the comfy chairs. There's kind of a fun, comfy energy there that I enjoy. Sometimes I just can't get that locally- sadly. Great place to knit :)

Anonymous said...

Petunia, when I saw Hester this past weekend she told me that she would really like it if you would take her to have her nails done. I explained to her that this wasn't a very good idea as she was just a tiny baby and the nail salon fumes would probably make her dizzy. She agreed and said anything is fun when she's with Mumzy so she wouldn't mind skipping the manicure for now.

Anonymous said...

Mumzy, I want to go water skiing!

Hashbrown said...

Water skiing and getting your nails done? Ya'll are crazy!

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe you should do one on one day and the other on another day. Both at once doesn't make much sense. ;)