12 March, 2008

New Train Schedule + Time Change = Tired Lady

In order to improve on-time service, the MBTA has changed their schedule. What they have done is extend the amount of time the trip is supposed to take rather than improve their ability to arrive a the time they specified. This means my train that used to leave at 6:06 AM leaves at 5:43 AM. Now normally, a 20+ minute change would not be a huge deal except that it is the ass crack of the morning. I have to get up at 4:30 AM to get ready on time. Why so long, you may ask? Because at the ass crack of the morning, even putting on a sock is a huge undertaking. I have to leave the house by 5:30 AM to drive to the station, park, pay my $1 parking, and walk to the train. (Yes, I did say $1 and it is not a typo. Crazy, huh?)

So this was painful enough for a few weeks but then came the time change. Now, 4:30 AM is the old 3:30 AM. I cannot even find my face to put on my glasses, let alone get showered, dressed, and find the car. It is 8 PM and I am considering going to bed now; I am that tired.


Clementine said...

Poor sweetie! Tonight you should go to bed when Hester does. Or ou could try out that new yoga class, whichever you'd prefer. Smooches!

Jenn said...

I don't know how you ladies do things like this, seriously. I might be up till 2am but there's no way in hell I think I could ever make myself get up on a regular basis in the ass crack of dawn like you both do, or at least have at various times in the past.

Crazy!!!! I would be going to bed the first second I could if I were you, I would definitely be exhausted.