30 April, 2008

Mumzy Baby Day

This week's Mumzy Baby day was not so fun. It started nice with hashbrowns for breakfast but went down hill when I had to take Hester to the doctor for her 15 month check up. It included two shots. Not such a good time. But she got a very nice book this time because of the reading program the practice is a part of. Every time she goes in for a check up or just a sick kid visit, she gets a book. Pretty nice, huh?


Jenn said...

Oh no! I'm very sad every time you guys (either of you) has to take Hester for shots. I know for sure it would make me very upset despite knowing of course it's got to be done!

But the book part is super awesome. At least that's somewhat of a consolation!

Clementine said...

The book was really great--it was a regular Eric Carle board book of the Mixed-Up Chameleon. Awesome!

Poor Hester and the shots, though. She has to go for bloodwork (standard stuff) sometime between now and July, and that's going to be the real kicker. I'm betting the lab doesn't have free books. Maybe we'll have to get one for her for after the bloodwork is over. Poor bubeleh!

Jenn said...

You totally should get her one for afterwards. Poor bubeleh indeed!