I have started watching Torchwood, a sci-fi show from the BBC. It is awesome as it has aliens, interesting plots, compelling characters, and everyone is a bit gay. Oh, they all seem to be kissing or having sex too.
Some of the aliens are well done with special effects like this gaseous alien that has lots of sex. Funny, when I am gaseous, sex is the last thing I want to do.
This one was pretty cool too. Great special effects. When in human form, she was wicked gay!
This one, well, it was just silly. As she chased the Torchwood cast around their secret lair, she made these big booming steps, being she is part metal, I guess. It was nothing but cheese.
This one was the worst. It was a cool premise but when it was awakened and moving around, it looked like a big sock puppet being moved around by a talented toddler with the characters superimposed in front of it looking scared they were going to be smashed.
Oh well, crazy aliens have never stopped me before. I was a faithful Dr. Who fan and once they had a monster that was pretty much a man under a blanket flailing about. But I kept watching. I also loved and could recite many of the old Star Trek episodes with my brother. They had some doozies of aliens too. Remember the positive and negative sides of the same man who would fight and the camera would go all black and white and reverse black and white? Good times.