09 March, 2007

Family Fun

While I am blogging about my parents response, let me share with you my sister's response to Hester coming home.

Great news! I wish you all the best.


I am pissed off at her. I mean, come on, this is her niece who just got out of the hospital. And I am her only sister who just became a mother. I simultaneously want to rip her a new a-hole and write her off even more. I know there are many factors at play:
  1. She always wanted to be a mother but is not and is jealous.
  2. She cursed me to have only puppies and kittens instead of children.
  3. Perhaps she has issues still about adoption.
  4. She certainly has major issues about homosexuality.
  5. She and I have a huge rift that may be insurmountable.
  6. She is very shut down.

Ah, who the fuck knows. They all need therapy.


LymeAware said...

I'm pissed too- and I don't even know her. I can't imagine my sister (if I had one) responding that way. However, I can see that, given the issues you outlined, she may feel that message was very kind and positive. On the face of it, it was positive. It may be all she can handle. But, if that really is all she can handle giving, that sucks. It sucks for you and your family, and it sucks for her. She's missing a lot.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, your last comment probably says it best. I can't really understand someone having that reaction but I guess there are lots of issues there that I don't have.

Hashbrown said...

THank you both. Yes, JPP, there are many issues between my sister and I. Actually, she has many issues that all of us do not have. Abigail, you are right that she is missing out on so much wonderfulness that is Hester.