08 March, 2007


The day we brought Hester home, I received this email from my parents. Talk about timing.

Dear Hashbrown & Clementine,

Thank you for the announcement, thank you note, and letter with the pictures of Hester. We certainly appreciate you taking a picture of her in the outfit we sent. We thought she looked cute in it. She seems to be very alert with those big bright eyes. She probably does not miss a trick. That is really good.

You will be very busy and your life will be very full. It is a really good thing that Hester will have a home where she will be safe and loved.

Aunt Tater and Uncle Spud are visiting and we showed them the pictures and announcement. Aunt Tater asked about Hester's names and we were not able to tell her about them. They will be here for a month so maybe you could email us the origin of the names and we can share the information with them. They think she is a cute baby, also.

Love to all,
Dad and Mom

I don't know if it is a good sign or not. I don't want to get my heart all hopeful again that they will be nice and a part of my life. Especially now when I miss them so very much. There are so many things I want to share with them about being a parent. I wish they called all the time like Clementine's parents do. I wish they were planning to come up and meet Hester as Clementine's parents are.

What do you think? Is this letter progress?


Anonymous said...

I think it certainly seems like progress but I haven't been through the whole history you have with your parents. It may also be easier for them to write nice things than be as nice in person. In any case I think it seems like they are definitely making an effort and I suppose that's good.

Canada said...

I'd have to say I think it is positive, and progress, but not to think that this progress will rapidly evolve - somehow, I think it will take them a while and every baby step is good.

LymeAware said...

I don't know your history, but it certainly seems a lot nicer than the last message you posted that they wrote. I'm so glad for you, but also appreciate your not wanting to give your heart over to it. I think that's a good idea given other responses from them- still, I think this sounds very good.