03 June, 2008


Many people at work or who know I am a music therapist ask me if Hester likes it when I play the guitar. Embarassed, I mumble some answer and try to get away from that conversation quickly. You see, I had not played my guitar for Hester until last week. It wasn't an active choice to not play, I just don't play much at home cause I play all day at work. After someone saying something about that last week, I thought about it all the way home on the train. I decided to institute guitar time after dinner a few nights a week.
Hester liked it immediately and learned the word guitar, which she says as "tar." She likes to try to strum it and grab the neck. She also likes to slip her little hand and arm into the sound hole.

I am really happy to share this gift with Hester.


Shirky said...

huh, my kid calls it tar too. must be something about the g sound that's hard?

Jenn said...

I love that Hester loves the guitar!

LymeAware said...

Hey Hashbrown! I tried commenting a while ago but for some reason my account wouldn't work. Let's hope it gets through this time!

I totally understand about not playing guitar at home. I think that's pretty common for music therapists. Even though we'd benefit from using it at home more, I know I have a hard time playing at home after I've been playing all day at work. Luckily my masters has been forcing me to play more at home, which is nice, but I hear you.

But, how exciting that you've been bringing it to Hester lately. That's awesome, and it looks like she loves it.

Love the "tar" too. Some of my clients like to pretend it's a violin (I think they all must have learned about violins at the same time at school or something). Unfortunately this means pretending a mallet is a bow and playing the guitar with it, which can be not so good at times. Still, the creativity is great.