02 June, 2008

First 100 Words

One of Hester's first 100 words (and one of her clearer words) is vulva.

It started one day when she grabbed her vulva and said "yuck." This came about because when we change her poop diapers, we try to keep her from grabbing the diaper or the poop by saying "yuck." This works pretty good. But then I was horrified to see that she had generalized the "yuck" to the area not just the poop. So I started explaining to her that poop was yuck but her vulva was not. I taught her the word for vulva so she did not call it "yuck." Clearly, she likes the word and has learned it for she says vulva nearly every diaper change now and will point to her vulva.

She also learned "cuckoo" today. However, despite my teaching, she did not learn to say "mama cuckoo." Bummer.


Shirky said...

oh my god she says one hundred words? holy crap.

Jenn said...

This is one of the awesomest stories I have ever heard.

Hashbrown said...

I don't think she has 100 words yet. It is just one of those milestones people talk about.