13 October, 2006

Kitty Scarf

Our cat, Josie, is slender, long, and graceful. She does not like to be held but loves to climb upon your lap or chest and love on you as you pet her. But don't hold her because she will growl. And she is FIERCE!

Striving for more ways to bond with her, I thought it would be nice for her and I if I trained her to drape herself across my shoulders. I have been teaching her this at the computer desk because she sits on the desk when we surf or type.

Lately, in the evenings, she comes into the bathroom with me and will climb onto the toilet tank and then walks back and forth across my shoulders, rubbing her face on my head. It is very sweet. I think she may some day come around and be the Kitty Scarf I always have wanted.

Recently, we had a guest in our home who went to use the restroom in an emergency situation. Josie, being the friendly gal she is, climbed on to the toilet tank as he entered the room and then began to swirl about on his shoulders, rubbing her face into his head as he utilized the facility. I am sure it was a unique experience for him. I wonder if he will use the facilities any time soon after that.


Clementine said...

Josie's so sweet, and it was SO funny when our guest had the dual diarrhea/kitty scarf experience.

Anonymous said...

That's an awesome story. Also, I love you're training her to be a kitty scarf.

Our Emily similarly does not typically enjoy being "held" per se, but she likes to hold on herself, kind of like a monkey, and peek over your right shoulder. We call her a monkey cat.

Hashbrown said...

That is wicked cute about Emily. Josie is not into scarf kitty mode today. bummer.