16 August, 2007

Over heard on the train

"Yeah, the train just pulled out of the station. We will be in (the city where I live) in 25 minutes," said a enthusiastic and loud fellow into his cell phone in the seat behind me. "Not hardly," I rudely said under my breath so as not to dash his exuberant belief in the speed of the train. Somewhere, maybe 20 minutes into the ride, he was again loudly speaking on his cell phone. "Yeah, it will be ten more minutes." I laughed quietly to myself. You see, the local train takes about 1 hour and 38 minutes from the station to my city. That man either never looked at a train schedule, lived in a different universe where time and trains move at a very different pace, or is just crazy.

1 comment:

squasha said...

oh how i miss commuting on the t (although you have the commuter rail too)... now i finally own a car, but the a/c doesn't work entirely well, and it has been over 100 degrees this whole month so far... but i wrote this lonnnng comment on your post with all those pictures, but my connection stalled out (which happens often in this apt) and it erased it. soooo i just wanted to say that your work at that hospital is inspiring and you are somehow to keep all the good and sad emotions in balance, so i am sure you will balance work and family well too. you are an inspiration!!! also, randomly, i had a positive tb test today-i am going to be on 9 MONTHS of antibiotics-ick-but so i don't know if you have to get tested every year at the hospital, but the peeps in nashvegas assumed that is where i might have gotten it (though of course that is not definite) ANYWAY i am thinking of you-keep those adorable pictures of your sweet girl coming!