04 December, 2006

Lord, it is late and I am over exhausted.

Oh my God, what a weekend. We assembled a kick ass photo album for the birth family as well as a letter telling them all about us, why we are pursuing adoption, how we are able to care for child with medical needs, and our supportive community. For the part about what we believe in, I felt like I was writing the freaking Nicene Creed. We believe in ….. Oh, Catholic joke!

Oh yeah, lurkers, why not comment! It is fun and it may start an interesting dialogue.


LymeAware said...

I found your site a week or so ago when I was searching for blogs of music therapists. I had been seeking out some sort of online community, or even some reassurance that someone other than myself knows about MT ;) I'm the only MT in my area.

However, I've been completely drawn into your experience with the adoption and find your candor, realness, and sharing of joy/hardship in what's happening refreshing. It is inspiring to hear so closely of someone's real experience. Thank you for sharing. I continue to read and enjoy both your and Clementine's blogs.

I wish you the very best as you go through this process. It's obvious to me, in just reading your blogs over a week's time that you are both good, honest, loving, nurturing people- both for yourselves, each other, and the child who will join your family. I'm sure that anyone who was meant to become a part of your family's process will see that too.

Thank you for writing. I'll keep reading.

LymeAware said...

Oh yeah, and by coincidence, I happen to be a knitter too! :)

Good luck to you...

Anonymous said...

Petunia, I want to hear about your photo album, etc.! I will call Clementine today to catch up. I didn't get a chance over the weekend.

Canada said...

Ah hah hah ha ha!! Catholic jokes can be very funny (or very eye-rolling, as finding a piece of paper in each child's backpack entitled "how to pray the rosary" Oh dear God, what have we done?)

I am dying of anticipation. Come on, birth parents!!!! Hurry up and pick. How can they not pick you and Peaches? I mean, really?

Hashbrown said...

Hey abigail,
Thanks for reading and commenting. It is great to find other knitting music therapists who blog out there! Join in the conversation when ever you like!

Canada, it is hard to wait but we do really appreciate all the support and ancy-ness of our friends. Your excitement helps us so much!