01 December, 2006


Wednesday, I am in a meeting when I get the “EMERGENCY: There is a BABY for us” page (911911911) (original, yes?). I get up all calm and tell the teacher, I need to use her phone. My coworkers keep discussing patients and the upcoming Christmas carnival as my shaky hands dial the home phone number. Clementine answered and her voice told me immediately that something serious was going on.

So here is the skinny.

A private agency has an expectant mother making an adoption plan. The baby has medical issues very similar to what we were expecting from a Department of Social Services Adoption. The family has been turned down by a few adopting families already due to the medical issues. So our social worker, Ms. Stork, thought it may be a good match because we are cool with that. So Clementine and I discussed it and decided to take it to the next step.

The next step involved a very large fax (69 pages) of the birth mother’s medical records and adoption application. It was heart wrenching to read her paragraphs to the baby about why she has chosen adoption. We also found out the baby’s due date and that it is an Aquarius (same as me). We reviewed these and then gave a copy to our future pediatrician to review. We want to have professional views on the possible outcomes for this child based on the medical history.

Since it is private, it has costs attached that we were not expecting. Clementine is fantastic and has already applied for multiple grants and identified possible loans for us to apply for. She also has born the brunt of the contacting people which wasn’t too bad until today. She talked to the birth mother’s social worker who was not pleasant at all. She also raised the price on us but she evidently does not know she is dealing with Clementine, the big C*.

A huge barrier that stands before us is whether the birth family is down with the G-to-the-A-to-the-Y parents. We also need more consents to we can talk to the birth mother’s doctor and that of her child. Then if everyone is cool with this stuff, we will meet.

This weekend, we must put together a “Dear Birthparents” letter and a photo album of 40-60 photos!! Fun times in la casa de las papas**! Wish us luck.

I will for sure be writing more about the process as we learn more, as we progress, and as I have time. Thank you all in advance for your support and ears through this crazy road we call life!

* Big C stands for Big Consumer which means she is great at getting kick ass deals on things.
** House of Potatoes

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