02 January, 2007

Virus, My Ass

So, one reason I have not blogged for a while is that I have been sick as a dog. I first came down with this bug the day before Thanksgiving (November something-er-other). I waited to go to the doctor 1) because I go in a week or two into it and they say "It is just a virus," take your copay, and send you home with nothing to make you better. Thanks for nothing. Oh, and 2) because I was traveling a bunch, and 3) it's the holiday season.

I was feeling pretty crappy when I returned from the in-laws and went back to work so I broke down and called our doctor for an appointment. She was on vacation and not back until today. So I made an appointment for today (a week in advance), opting to not go to the quacks who share her practice sooner. (One quack there prescribed turnip soup for Clementine when she had CELLULITIS in her nose! Oh lest you think otherwise, these are real MD's who practice in the Massachusetts General Hospital system!)

I started feeling a lot worse on Saturday and Clementine called her Dadoo for advice. He suggested going to the walk in clinic and Musinex. Have you ever taken Musinex? That shit is crazy. I like blew my nose so many times in 12 hours, I went through a box of Kleenex, I think. My sinus headache left around hour 6 of the massive phlem flow.

Sunday, I went to the walk in clinic at MGH. The doctor there said, after I explained that I had been sick for so long and it was getting worse and how lethargic I am and how I pulled muscles in my chest by coughing, "it is a virus. You just need to rest and let it run it's course."

Are you fucking kidding me? Six weeks plus of sick and it is still only a fricking "virus?" I work at a hospital where they are always taking cultures of germs kids have and I have never heard on rounds that "it is a virus." I think the virus thing is a fricking cop-out. Now I know they are trying to not prescribe antibiotics so much any more to avoid the resistant strains of bacteria. That is cool but HELLO LADY, I HAVE BEEN SICK SINCE THANKSGIVING!!!!!!

Anyway, I discussed my points with her and she made me blow my nose and show it to her. Of course, I was all filled with musinex, decongestant, etc so there was not a lot there. She evaluated it and said I was not that sick. I felt so belittled and like I was not a reliable reporter as I talked to her. It made me really angry. I told her that it was over six weeks and it was going into my chest again and affecting my work. I have to sing for my living, hello, colds are my enemy! She finally caved and gave me the azythromyacin 5 day Kick Ass pack.

I did feel better but kept my appointment with my doctor today. It was great to see my doctor. She is so nice and she totally believed me and prescribed me 2 cough medications (codeine at night, some pill at day) and Flonaise for my nose. Thanks Doctor! Not really for the bag of meds but for listening and believing. And she did not use the V word!

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