15 August, 2006

Everything is Back to Normal

Reuben must be feeling better. I woke at 4 AM from a weird noise so I got up to investigate. Here is Reuben with his big melon head inside the cat food container. He had pulled off the flip top lid and then the rest of the lid. Evidently, he did not get the memo that he is supposed to be on soft food only.

Josie is still growling and hissing at him anytime he comes around. I am sure that will go back to in a day, when he does not smell like surgery any more.

Also, I hear a familiar thumping. He is trying to open the lids again. Oh, Reuben!


Canada said...

Oh industrious cat! Glad to hear it all went well and that the big boy is getting back to his normal self!

Clementine said...

Poor Reuben! He almost took off my finger when I fed him lunch.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God I LOVE REUBEN. He is so super crazy!!! I'm so glad all is well with him and he's back to his ridiculous self! Lennie him for me!