04 August, 2006

My Brother, My Friend

This week, my parents and my older brother (who does not talk to me) are visiting my younger brother (who is an incredible friend and support). I don’t like it when they visit him. I worry that something will be said that will take his love and support away from me.

In my mind, I know this will not happen. He has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. Through bad relationships, sadness, substance abuse, happy times, coming out, and hard times, we have been there for each other. Our friendship has never faded. I love him and I know he loves me.

He has told me many times that he supports and understands my decision about our parents. He has told me that he would have given up far before I did and that when he thinks about how they have treated me, he gets wicked angry and wants to cut all ties with them. But he values peaceful relationships and believes he can effect change through those relationships. This is my battle, not his so I do not expect him to fight it for/with me. But his support means more to me than words could ever say.

In December, he is moving to the Pacific Northwest. I am so proud of him for pursuing his dreams and going to get his doctoral degree in Chiropractics. But it is so far away. I fear I will see him even less often than I do now, which is 1-2 times a year. I think I worry too much. I know I am blessed to have such a fantastic brother and friend. So many people do not have such a relationship with their sibling. Maybe when he is a doctor and making the big bucks, he will be able to come visit us more, cause Lord knows, I will never make the big bucks on a music therapist salary! You know what I am saying?


Canada said...

I know it's hard, but I'm sure that nothing your parents can say would ever sway your brother's view of you. If anything, it will just make hime resent your parents, because he knows what an awesome person you are!

What?! You can't make big bucks on a music therapist's salary? Then why am I in this profession? Oh yeah . . . I love it! :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Canada. Your parents can't make your brother change his view of you. I don't think you ever need to worry about that.

See, this particular brother is here with the rest of us in the real world, where we all know how wonderful you are, and your parents and other siblings live in an alternate reality filled with crazy things that make no sense.

squasha said...

ummmmm... i have to say i am relieved about hester willa. :)