17 August, 2006

A Night to Remember

I saw bigotry rear its ugly head yesterday night. Horrible, horrible words were uttered and shouted. I saw the worst in people. It was shocking to see just how far we have not come. The comfort in which people asserted their racist beliefs, right here in Massachusetts, was horrifying. I guess I forget just how bad the beliefs and attitudes are; I had begun to believe we were further along. We aren’t. I was frightened. I was angry. I was disgusted. It was real.


Canada said...

what I said at AJWP's applies here, too!

Anonymous said...

Dear everyone at AJWP and Hashbrown's MAPP class:

You are all a bunch of FUCKING LUNATICS. So FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FUCKS. I'm going to kick your fucking ass next week if you say anything to warrant it.

Jenny PP

Canada said...

Hmmm . . . do I have enough frequent flyer points to get there from here to attend the Friends and Family class? Even Ol' Talkie probably seems pretty good at the moment!