09 November, 2006

Donkey all the way!

Ever since I moved to the Commonwealth, I like saying that word because it sounds so much more important and elegant than state. State sounds so drab. Anyway, ever since I moved to the Commonwealth thirteen or so years ago, there has been a Republican governor. This has always baffled me. I mean, come on, this is home of the Kennedys. How can there be Republicans, especially governors? Well there were. A whole succession of them. Each a bit worse than the last. That finally all changed on Election Day when the people of the Commonwealth turned out in large numbers and voted in a Democrat, who is also the first black governor here and only the second in the country! I am so thrilled! I went to bed so happy in the knowledge that at least the people of the Commonwealth had pulled it together and saw the light.

Imagine my thrill when I awoke the next morning to see that Democrats had won not 15 but 28 seats in the House and Nancy Peloci would be Speaker of the House! Can you imagine, a Democrat and a woman? Simply amazing!! I felt like a dark cloud that had moved in six years ago when W was elected started to lift and the sunlight began to shine. It has been a dark time of abuse of power by our administration, filled with too many deaths of our troops, the people of Iraq and the people of Afghanistan. There are so many other things wrong, I could go on for hours. But I felt change coming with Pelosi leading the House.

At work, I was checking my email and blog and saw that Rumsfeld resigned. Wow! Changes I thought would come seemed to be starting immediately.

Finally, last night, Petunia and I were so surprised when we heard the news that the final Senate race in Virginia was decided and it went to the Democrat. This tipped the balance in the Senate to the Democrats and that dark cloud lifted some more.

Now, I don't want to leave you with the impression that all Republicans are bad in my eyes. Not at all. But this current administration has abused power in a horrific manner. With control of three branches of government, the voice of reason was lost. Without different points of view to balance things and stop the government from the most extreme actions, we are lost. I hope the Democrats control of the House and Senate will put the brakes on some of the horrors that are happening.

1 comment:

Clementine said...

This reminds me of my favorite t-shirt from college:
"I'm a Democrat, you're a Republican. We can still be friends. I'll hug your elephant, and you can kiss my ASS!"

I'm classy like that.