14 November, 2006

Potty Mouth

So, yesterday morning, I was scooping the kitty poop and putting it in the toilet to flush. We use Feline Pine so you can do that. Also, I love the Feline Pine. It is 1) Economical, 2) Non-Toxic, 3)You flush the poop and can compost the rest. So I was scooping and dropped the poop into the toilet and water splashed up and hit me in the face! EEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is a gal to do in this situation, I ask? Wanting to sanitize my befouled face and lips, I Purell-ed my face. What a great start to the morning!


Anonymous said...

Oh, this is very upsetting. I feel your pain as I would totally freak out if this happened.

Similar but not as gross story, the other day I was taking Billy out and when I picked up his poo I thought "why does my hand feel so warm?" Answer? giant hole in the shopping bag I was using. Oh yes, I was basically holding is poo in my bare hand. ALSO. NO!!!! I had to remain calm and walk 2 blocks to a garbage can, then somehow get in the apartment using only one hand to both hold his leash and open the door. I kind of over cleaned my hand when I got inside.


Clementine said...

Um, Jane, I think your story is nastier. Cuz Petunia got cat poo water splashed on her face, but YOU WERE HOLDING DOG POO IN YOUR BARE HAND! Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have to admit, it was kind of super gross.