16 February, 2007

Longing for the Long Awaited End

The week drags on and I cannot focus on work. All I think about is how much longer until the day or week is over and I can go see Hester. By body, mind, and soul ache to be with her. To top it off, the length of this hospital stay is starting to really wear on us. We try very hard to keep calm and keep our cool but things happen that we just do not like at all. It is a weird balance I feel we must keep of keeping the peace with the nurses so Hester gets good care and advocating for her best interests as a parent. The novelty (if there ever was any) of living out of bags at a hospital has long worn off. I am weary of not eating home cooked food and of not sleeping in my bed or next to my wife. My eyes long to look at our little home, the walls we painted, the couch we bought, the orange door, and even our dirt backyard. I miss the kitties and dog. And I want Hester to see her home, meet her pets, lay in her crib, and be with her mama and mumzy all day and all night without drugs, nurses, leads, monitors, lactation consultants, intercoms, and cafeteria food. Well, she eats formula so maybe not the cafeteria food. But you get the picture.

1 comment:

Canada said...

Amen, sister! And I think the difference is between home -prepared formula or cafeteria prepared formula, don't you think? It's not the same when it isn't spilled and sticky on your counter!