09 February, 2007

Parental Support

Dear Hashbrown and Clementine,
Thank you for your email and the photographs of Hester. We hope that her health progresses quickly. Living in a hospital is not the best start for a baby as evidenced your Uncle who spent his first three months in a hospital before he was adopted. We know that you will spend as much time as you can with her so that the bonding procedures will progress as normally as possible.
Love, Mom and Dad

This is all they said since we announced Hester's birth. No "Congratulations." No "She's beautiful." No "Wow." No card, gift, call to check on her progress or how we are doing with a child in the NICU. Nothing more.


LymeAware said...

Man! I can't imagine. That really stinks. I'm so sorry for the pain this must cause you.

They are missing out on a lot-- you have a beautiful family.

Canada said...

Completely un-fucking-acceptable!!
And nice "the hospital is not the best place for a baby" bullshit. Hello, the glass is not half-empty, the damn glass is overflowing with joy and happiness!! You and Clementine are parents!! Oh, they piss me off.

Anonymous said...

Um, yeah. Pretty much what Canada said.

Hashbrown said...

Awww you gals are the best!