21 February, 2007

More Milk Please

Tonight, I pumped enough milk that it dripped down into the bottles. I carefully poured it together into one bottle, scraped every drop from the different parts of the pump mechanism and showed it to Clementine. Together, we went to Hester's nurse and showed her what I made. She gathered it into a syringe and was very respectful of my small amount of milk. She actually said she was amazed since I did not give birth. The grand total of milk was 7 ml. She stored it in the breast milk fridge at the hospital. I am off to pump one more time before going to bed. Wish me luck!


Dave Gorman said...


Hashbrown said...

What's gross? It is natural.

Anonymous said...

Nobody asked Dave Gorman anyway. Good job, Hashbrown!

Clementine said...

Seriously, you're a star. Way to go, Hashie!