21 April, 2006

Bad and Good News

I went to the orthopedist today. The entire staff there was quite nice and personable. They took some new x-rays. The bad news is that I have a fracture of my tibia as well as a 2-3 grade sprain.* The fracture is vertical and is located where the ligament or tendon attaches to the bone.

The good news is that the fracture does not affect the treatment or outcome of the sprain. The doctor was impressed with how much the swelling has gone down. Thank you RICE! The doctor said the prognosis was good and that I should be back to normal in 3-4 weeks. I can go to one crutch now. I will start PT next week and the PTs will decide when I can go to a different brace. I am hoping soon! I get to go back to work Monday.

I am so thrilled and relieved! I have been really worried about this. Thanks to everyone who told me to RICE it and stay off my feet. And a HUGE thank you to my wife who has been so good to me, getting me everything I need and not complaining at all. She has had to do all the work around here while I sit on the couch with my foot up. I am really so lucky to have such a kind and loving wife who is so attentive despite having many little children here needing her attention throughout the day. She is the best!

* 3 is the worst grade of sprain


Anonymous said...

Poor Hashbrown! I'm glad you have the full diagnosis, that your work has been nice, and that AJWP has been taking good care of you. I'm sure you'd do the same for her.

Take good care of yourself and be careful! Tell that Clary no more leaving balls on the steps!

Clementine said...

I'm glad you're down to one crutch. And no worries about my playing nursie/Mr. Belvedere; I'm glad you're taking good care of yourself.

Hashbrown said...

Right! Yeah, Clara needs to lay off the leaving the balls on the steps when we are outside working.

Halso, I broke my leg!

AJWPP, you can play nursie anytime with me! (wink)


Halso, I broke my fucking leg!

Canada said...

That sucks! But, it could be worse - you could've broken your ass. That would really be
un-ASS-eptable! ;-)