26 April, 2006

Day of Silence

Things have changed so much for LGBT youth since I was young.


Anonymous said...

Yeah but the Day of Truth Christians can shove it up their collective ass.

Clementine said...

Word, JPP.

Canada said...

Absolutely, JPP!

And Hashbrown, you aren't exactly OLD!

Psycho Kitty said...

Day of Ignorance, more like it. Sigh.

Clementine said...

Also, can I just say how much I love queer youth? I miss the kids at my old job so much.

Clementine said...

Hey Canada, I am not saying i am old. Just things are far different from when I was in high school from 82-5 in a small town in Colorado. There was no way in HELL I was coming out there. No Way, No Sir. PK can attest to the enviornment. Things have changed dramatically over the past 20 years, for what I believe is the better.

PK, You know it. I just hate BS some Christians say about Hate the sin but love the sinner. It is just a cute phrase to make them feel better about their hateful actions. JC never said anything like that, if I remember right.

AJWP, You were perfect for that job. You brought something so very special to that center and you touched so many lives. Your work there was so important; I know you saved many youths' lives.

Anonymous said...

oops, that was not ajwp writing to herself. I wrote and accidentally published under her name. I am her ghost writer.

Clementine said...

Now I'm going to pretend I'm JPP and my blog is working:

Dear parents in Lexington: You suck.

Asshats, all of them.

Hashbrown said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry my blog still isn't working. We were supposed to fix it this weekend but still didn't. The problem is robreed is busy studying for finals (the nerve!) and never gets around to getting the server up. I can't quite do it all by myself, but maybe I can do most of it and he can just help a little. My fans are so disappointed. ;)

Clementine said...

Your fans ARE disappointed, JPP. C'mon, doesn't Rob have priorities? Finals, shminals. Ha!

Hashbrown said...

It is true I miss your blog. I await your next blog entry with baited breath (well actually granola bar breath but who is smelling).