22 April, 2006

I need a change

Today, even our postal carrier was surprised to deliver a Christmas gift from my parents. And why not, it is freaking Earth Day. You could not be much farther away from Christmas. The USPS box had a note written on it telling us to not open the package until Christmas.

I have found it is best to open gifts from my parents quite a distance from any holiday. It helps me to deal with the emotions I feel about them not on the holiday. This makes holidays a bit easier for me. So we opened it. It was weird and not our style. Much like a gift your weird aunt you never see gives you. But it wasn’t from a weird aunt; it was from my parents, the people who are supposed to know you so well.

My parents do not know me. They cling to images of what they think I am. They reject my homosexuality and that I am a survivor, two huge components of who I am. They have never seen my house. They don’t know I have a dog or two cats. They met my wife twice. They have never seen where I work. They do not know I have a broken leg. They do not know we are adopting a child, at some point yet to be determined by DSS.

Getting these cards and gifts from them reminds me of the huge distance that exists between us. It reminds me that I need to do something about it. I am not going to span it for it is up to them to come towards me this time. I tried going towards them too many times only to be hurt again. So I wrote them a letter. I am taking it to my therapist this week to discuss. I am fully aware that my actions can lead to a myriad of consequences and I am willing now to accept the consequences. I may lose them completely. I may open up channels for healing. Nothing may happen. I accept all the possibilities because I do not want to feel like this any more. Something has got to change.


Psycho Kitty said...

Good for you, honey. Whatever happens, at least *you* will have done what you need to do for yourself.

Canada said...

I'm so proud of you for not letting them get to you and not changing who you are!

You know you have a "niece" and "nephew" here - I'm an only, so they need a few more aunts!


Anonymous said...

You rock! Good for you, the letter was probably good for you to write.