11 April, 2006

Shark Week!!

Las Vegas was not a fun place for me. I don’t gamble, drink excessively, or utilize sex trade workers. There was not a lot left for me to do there when I was not in meetings. I did go to nearly all the big hotels and explore their alternative attractions like the lions at MGM Grand, penguins at Flamingo, King Tut exhibit at Luxor, the fountain and botanical gardens at Bellagio, and Sharks at Mandalay Bay.

The sharks were moving and the light was dim which created a blurry but spooky effect when I photographed them.

Now if you have gone to the aquariums at either coast, the aquarium at Mandalay Bay was not quite as good as those. The sharks were small and the exhibit was limited. But it was a great diversion from all the clanging slot machines.


Clementine said...

Ooh, sharks! I love sharks. I wish I could have seen them with you. At least I got to eat the chocolate sharks you brought back for me!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I always think of AJWP when it comes to sharks.

I'm glad you went around and did lots of stuff to entertain yourself! Probably better than sitting in the room watching TV. :)