06 November, 2006


Here is an equation for all you math loving people.

One letter telling my parents we are going to adopt a child and prompting them to be happy for us (which they probably are not since they view our marriage as mocking a sacrament and a sin).
No response from my parents.
Taking a baby care class.
Assembling one crib from IKEA and then seeing the nursery completed.
One enormous freak out with crying.
Ah, the sweet passion of life.
What a load of crap!
Life just sucks sometimes.
If my old friend who called me Saturday night is reading this, perhaps you understand why I did not know my ass from a hole in the ground.


Anonymous said...

Dear Hashbrown,

I'm sorry you had to have a freak out, but I understand. I'm glad you have Clementine there for you! I'm sure she was awesome.

We love you! I can't wait for Hester Willa! Much Lennie-ing will happen!

Jenny PP

muse said...

That baby is going to be so lucky, s/he'll never lack for love with you gals! :)

Canada said...

I tried earlier, but Blogger was acting up.

I am so frustrated that your parents are ignoring this amazing opart of your life. They will miss out on having a grandchild because of their petty small-mindedness. And it sucks that Hester will have two less grandparents because of this.

On the plus side, Hester is going to be one wicked lucky little one to have two such wonderful and loving parents. We'll talk more next week.

Clementine said...

Like Canada and JPP, I can't believe that your parents are choosing not to be part of your life or your child's life. I'm sad that Hester's losing out on knowing 2 grandparents, and I'm heartbroken that your parents aren't able to share in your joy in becoming a parent.

Also, I'm sorry if we did too much baby stuff this weekend. I'm trying to take it easy, really I am.

I love you, honey!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you- sorry for all the painful and personal steps you've had to take in this journey. It will all be so worth it soon. I love you!

Psycho Kitty said...

Oh, hon.
xo (x 3 billion)

Anonymous said...

Hey Everybody,
Thanks for your support and care. Having my community of close friends makes it easier to let go of my parents for you all are my family. I am fine now. I just cracked after hammering my fingers (instead of the nail) three times in a row. You know how it is, something small sets you off for the larger thing that happened a few days ago.

So Clemy, it isn't too much baby stuff. It is crappy parents.

JPP, she was wonder.

Muse, I hope so; thank you.

Canada, yeah, we'll talk over liquid refreshments! Wee hoo! Kansas City here we come. Seriously, thank you for all your support through this.

Trista, thanks for all your support and understanding. It is wonderful to have you for a friend.

and PK, right back at you, as a friend of course! hahahha

Anonymous said...

I meant to type "JPP, she was wonderful." OOPS, forgot the suffix.

frog said...

Yeah, my parents suck like this, too. Hang in there.

Hashbrown said...

Yeah, frog, I am doing the best I can.