17 April, 2006

Easter in the ER

Easter this year sucked. Check out my wife's blog for a brilliant retelling of the events.

When I first started my blog, I decided to use different names for myself and for my wife. But it seems silly since we have many of the same readers. So, from now on, I will call her by her blog name,

I hope everyone else's Easter was more fun than ours.


Clementine said...

Oh no! I kinda liked "Peaches." It was sweet!

Canada said...

Feel better soon, Hashbrown/Petunia!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you can use either name. Peaches and Petunia are very sweet. ;)

I'm so sorry again about your sprain! Totally sucky. Take good care of yourself. I assume you've heard Miss Peaches' story about how she sprained her ankle our fall semester our first year at school? It was classic.

Canada said...

Shall I assume that the ER didn't arrange an egg hunt for you?

Hashbrown said...

No, not at all. they did do an extended version of look for broken bones with four different x-rays. But that was more fun for the radiologists.