22 February, 2006

Fun Adoption Facts

Fact #1 Did you know that babies of different races have significantly different prices in domestic adoption? Yup! And these are today's prices, not that of 10, 20, or 50 years ago. According to an adoption workshop Peaches and I recently went to, babies are priced approximately like this. The most expensive is Caucasian babies who run between $35,000 and 45,000. Next are Hispanic babies, who are around $25,000 to 30,000. Coming in third, African American babies cost $15,000 to 20,000. I want to rant and rave about this but just looking at the numbers says much more than I could ever think to say.

Fact 2 Did you know that some countries make the adoption single parents sign a form that states they are not queer? Nice!

And my favorite for all you "USA is #1" folks out there.
Fact #3 Did you know that Europeans are adopting babies from the USA, now? While we are all out there adopting the poor, disadvantaged children from Russia, China, and Guatemala, Europeans are adopting our poor, disadvantaged children.


Anonymous said...

Oh my God, that's f-ing fantastic. We suck. Europe is like, "look at all those poor starving American children... isn't anyone going to take care of them?"

Meanwhile, apparently we're all like, "hooray! Chinese babies! they're so cute!"

ALSO. I can't even address the prices of babies. I don't even know what to say. Much like you probably, the fact speaks for itself.

Hashbrown said...

You are the best! I love your comment.


Clementine said...

Before we took that workshop, I didn't know that Europeans are adopting American babies. That gives me a whole new perspective on international adoption.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, the U.S. of A. is f-d up! What the hell is going on, people?

Take the log out of your own eye! Holy crap!

Hashbrown said...

I read your comments and I can almost hear the aneurysm exploding in your brain. I love it.