17 February, 2006

Overhead on the train

Today, I was going to post about my cat, but this took precedence over kitties.

So I sit down and the people ahead of me are talking really loud about traffic and cops and such. Then this man says that the increased traffic was due to the new Hooters Airline coming to the Worcester Airport.

What?!? Are you kidding me? Worcester was the location for the first National Women's Rights Convention in 1850 and the second in 1851. What is happening here? This is not a move forward, ladies and gentlemen.

Ugh, where is my acid reflux medicine? I am going to be sick.


Clementine said...

Hooters has an AIRLINE??

Hashbrown said...

Hoo Knew

Clementine said...

Ha! You're a funny one, Hash.

Don't you really want some fried pickles? Mmm, pickles.

Clementine said...

Hey! I just googled fried pickles and it turns out they serve them at Boston Beer Works. Wanna make a date?

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? Aren't all the women working at Hooters really empowered and aren't all the men that go there going because they really respect them and they just like the food? That's what I thought.

Hashbrown said...

I heard that Hooters was also starting to have a family oriented menu so you can bring children there. Because you really want your children to be exposed to the whole Hooters sort of respect for women. It will do wonders for the boys and girls.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's perfect. I'm going to have a kid now, just so I can do this. Maybe they can give them coloring menus and crayons, and the menus can feature women in bikinis with big boobies that they can color in. That would be awesome.

Hashbrown said...

coloring menu, oh, Jenny, you think of everything!

They could do kids birthday parties and have pin the hooters on the girl.