07 February, 2006

New Leaf

So, I have been bad. I have only been to the dentist three times(including today) in the past nineteen years. In that time, about eight years ago, I also saw a periodontist for about six months. I had not been back since then. I was so frustrated because I went for a gum graft and scaling and felt I was getting the shaft. They finished the work they originally said I needed, paying for much of it myself because my insurance stank, the periodontist said he want to do three more gum grafts in spots he had never mentioned before.

After years of procrastination, today I went to the dentist. I went there expecting cavities, needing more scaling, and possibly the need to order dentures. Instead, my teeth were fine. They had only a little tartar. No cavities. No scaling. No dentures. Also, the hygienist and the dentist were so kind and gentle. As I left, I made my appointment for six months from now.

This is all part of my plan to get on track with my body and health since I am one year away from a major birthday. Turning a new leaf, so to say. As part of this plan, I also went to the eye doctor last week. And what a fun time that was. An intern did an hours worth of tests including the thing where they flip lenses and say, "Is a or b better?" and the ever popular super bright light that allows them to look at your retina. I did not have the crowd pleasing puff of air for glaucoma. When the fun was done, the doctor came in and told me I need bifocals (at the young age of 39!!!) I had hoped to hide the shame of age by getting the graded lenses but he crushed that with his next sentence of "I want you to get the type with the defined lenses." I wanted to ask if I got a walker to go with it.


Clementine said...

congrats on joining the no cavities club!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm in the no cavities club too! I'm glad AJWP found that great dentist for all of us! Also, you may have to wear bifocals but let it be known that I'm now fairly sure that I am at least 40% grey and I'm only 29. I'll see you at the old folks home in a year or two. Let's be roommates. Of course, the youthful flower AJWP can come too but she'll have to put a grey wig on and wear some fake glasses to cover up her eagle-eye vision.

Hashbrown said...

I married young so I would not have to go to the home. My youthful bride will have her health while I am old and infirmed. She will take loving, good care of me at our home. "Aha," you say "I see the method to your madness." It is all going according to my plan. (evil laugh).

Anonymous said...

Ah, you are very wise. By the way, be careful, your link to my site is to a specific date - you just want it to end at "weblog". ;)

Clementine said...

okay, y'all may have crap eyes and grey hair, but at least you don't have cheap irish skin! STRANGERS comments on the sad, wrinkly quality of my skin. my skin=scott tissue; y'all's skin=quilted northern.

Hashbrown said...

Not the cheap Irish Skin again! Oh god.

Anonymous said...

OK too bad I have GREASY ITALIAN SKIN, combined with CHEAP IRISH SKIN, which somehow means that not only will the grease guarantee breakouts into old age, the cheap Irish means it will wrinkle despite the Italian grease. Nice visual, eh?