10 February, 2006

Morning Angel

I was told that Friday is “Blog about your Cat” Day. Today, I am going to blog about our cat, Bubba D. Bubba is a black and white tuxedo cat and eight years old. We believe he is part teddy bear, which makes him very cuddly and snuggly. He usually is a fantastic cat who enjoys looking out the window and laying on anything fleece.

However, the other morning, Bubba was on my list. At 1 AM, he decided it was time for his breakfast. And since Peaches can sleep through an h-bomb explosion, he knows to come to me. He started pesting me, which consisted of head butting my hand, knocking books off my nightstand, climbing on me and purring the loudest purr ever. Now, I am sure, you must think I am being a big baby, but no. You see, there is the climbing on you and purring to be sweet and nice and then there is this behavior. Bubbba climbs up on me and presses his petite paws painfully into my internal organs. Then he purrs the loudest purr ever, not a sweet purr of love but a many decibel purr. It is with the intent to wake me and get some food. He kept these behaviors up until 5 AM, when I got up to get ready for work. And for that annoying pesting behavior, I made him wait an hour to eat.

And he hasn't pested me since. Cat-0 Human-1


Clementine said...

I love Mr. Willix! He's a real lummox of a cat.

Anonymous said...

He's a bully about food though! I feel your pain, Hashbrown. Back in the days of our Dimick Street apartment when he was just a youngster, he learned who got up first in the morning, which most days was me I think, and would incessantly pester for food. One morning he started at like 5am and wouldn't stop. I got so mad at him I came out of my room and did something to try to scare him away like stomped on the floor or something and he then proceeded to race around the whole place in that crazy neurotic cat way, and eventually crashed into something loudly like the garbage can, then retreated and left me alone until I really got up. He used to make me so furious with his food pestering. Which is why I have to Lennie him a little too much sometimes.