12 June, 2006

Boston Pride Snap Report

This is my review of the parade and festivities. It was rainy and wet! Very Wet! This beats heat exhaustion but it poured the entire time. We did visit Gay Mart on the Common which was muddy, wet, and fun.

  • First, I give mad props out to all the drag queens that marched and rode in floats in their dresses and make-up. Girls, you worked it with pride all through that rainy day. Three snaps to you!
  • Second, each time when to when I see the parents, family, and friends marching, I choke up. This member of the Gay Men’s Chorus was pushing an elderly woman in a wheelchair who said to each person they passed, “That’s my son” as she pointed back to him with all the pride and joy a mother should have. Four snaps to PFLAG and all our allies!
  • Next, the Pride Parade has grown in the number of multicultural groups participating from previous years. Love it. Three snaps!
  • Along with that, I especially loved the Brazilian contingency whose drag queens were wearing outfits that paid homage to the World Cup! The soccer ball hat things were the best! Three snaps to you for your fantastic outfits!
  • Three snaps to the librarian group who chanted "We're here! We're queer! Shhhh!"
  • Also, Cambridge Health Alliance showed lots of ingenuity designing outfits made up of condoms. One snap for creativity!
  • I am always happy to see all the churches out. One of my favorite moments was some UU ally who was probably new to the whole Pride thing. He marched along shouting out to the audience, “Be proud.” Also, it is great to see the pagans out marching too but man, their incense was stronger than any I smelled in all my years as a Catholic. Wow! It about knocked me over. One snap to you, with a cough.
  • Three snaps for the Big Apple Corp from NYC. They had flags, rifles, a baton twirler, dancers, and a full band. I know how much it sucks to march in horrible rain while playing instruments! You go, band Fags!!
  • Two snaps to the sober LGBTQ group who always has to march near the Jagermeister or Absolute truck.
  • One snap to all the politicians who marched with their people despite the rain. No snaps (or votes) to those who just let their people march without making an appearance. Come on folks, work for my vote!
  • One of my most memorable moments this year was when the Log Cabin Republicans marched by, the crowd was silent. It was beautiful! They earned it supporting stupid Mitt Romney! I turned to AJWP to kiki it up and this republican comes up to me and starts shaking my hand, wearing a Bush jacket, saying, “Not all republicans are bad.” I had to keep it polite so I did not go postal on the dude for wearing that jacket after all the defense of marriage stuff Bush just pulled this past week. I mean, what was he thinking? No snaps for you, mister!
  • Sadly, a feminist also earned no snaps. She was wearing a shirt that stated she was a pro-life feminist. This I do not comprehend.
  • My final comment is about all the uninformed Massachusetts LGBTQ residents. We visited MGLPC, GLAD, Equal Marriage, and Mass Equality booths to sign cards and thank them for all their work. I heard so many people at each booth saying they did not know our rights were under fire now. HELLO? Where have you been? No snaps for you.


Clementine said...

Five snaps to your Pride review. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Also, infinity snaps because this almost made me pee my pants.

No snaps for the log cabin morons (what kind of a stupid name is that anyway?) and the people who don't watch the news, read anything, or ever leave their homes to know what's going on.

When that guy told you "Not all Republicans are bad" you should have said, "Yes they are." For pete's sake, mister!

Hashbrown said...

Girl, you so funny!