23 June, 2006


I was looking out the window of the train this morning as I talked to AJWP on the cell and saw the best graffiti ever! Along the side of some warehouse-ish building, nestled amongst tags and other graffiti was "Stop saying the word fag!" Now that is my kind of graffiti!

It reminded me of many years ago, when I was in college and I did some graffiti-ing. A good friend of mine, K., had been gang raped one or two years prior and the anniversary of the date was approaching. He wanted to do something to reclaim the alley where it happened. So late one night, my very Christian girlfriend (who we had spent hours talking into helping us) drove us to the alley. She kept watch while K. and I got to work. He spray painted a white outline of a body (like in crime scenes) while I sprayed "A man was raped here." He added "Stop Rape!" and we raced back to the car. We drove to the Dennys and had a midnight breakfast and celebrated our public nuisance/political statement/personal healing.

Oh, those were the days!


Anonymous said...

You crazy rebel, you!

Clementine said...

I love that idea about rape awareness. It's sort of like the Clothesline Project, only more vigilante.

Anonymous said...

Scamp! It was very cool of your Christian friend to aid & abet y'all.

*Googling Clothesline Project*

Hey, thanks for updating my link! Y'all have a good weekend.

Canada said...

YOU grafitti-ed?!?!?! Good grafitti, educational and all, but you are such a fine, law-abiding citizen. Man, I'm shocked! :) (in a good way)

Seriously, though, that was cool.