08 June, 2006

I am an ass

The orange line was slow today so I had to run to the train, messed up ankle and all. It was not pretty. But I made it and was then sitting on the stairs and thought about today. I messed up. I was trying to sympathize with my coworkers about a family who is being particularly difficult. They are unhappy with just about everyone, except they like music therapy and me. It is not unusual to have a family like only one discipline or like one more than the others. I lucked out this time beings that I am not the one this family is unhappy with. I tried to say, “Yes they are being difficult, so difficult that the social worker emailed me to say that I was the only one they liked.” But I came off sounding like I said, “I am so wonderful that the family likes ME.” I sounded like a pompous ass . I am upset with myself. Tomorrow, I will apologize to my coworker (and friend) that I was an ass to. I was going to today but she left early before I could say something. I just wish that, at the age of 39, I could do what my dad used to say: “Put your brain in gear before letting the clutch out on your mouth.”

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