22 June, 2006


Ok. Tonight, I decided that humans are not that much above the rest of the animals on the evolutionary scale. Really, we differ very little from say the wildebeest of the Serengeti.

Picture it.
A herd of 75-100 humans (including me) are milling about near the monitor at the train station. Similar to a herd of wildebeests on the Serengeti, we are eating, scratching, waving away bugs, and snorting. We, like them, are keeping an eye and ear out for any changes.

A noise causes everyone to freeze. In unison, we look up and listen. “Now boarding on track 6, the 6:05” and we are off. Moving in unison like wi
ldebeests when a predator approaches, we all turn and hurry off in a massive herd to get on our train. We looked like a herd of animals acting together for self and herd protection. The only difference is that wildebeests don’t get to sit in an air-conditioned train to go home.


Canada said...

Oh, but sometimes we're more like sheep or lemmings? Ever known anyone to get on the wrong train/bus because EVERYONE else was?

Hashbrown said...

No I have not. I know of people who fell asleep and missed their stop or even awoke at three AM on the train in the train yard.