28 June, 2006

Photo Shoot

Recently, there has been an influx of reporters wanting to do stories about my hospital. Last week, a reporter/photographer from US News and World Report was there and taking pictures of the hospital. I guess they are doing a feature or big article on the hospital. My boss lobbied for all the disciplines in her department to be photographed and potentially featured in the article.

He first photographed me and one of my interns walking down the hallway with our guitars strapped to our backs. He kept following us saying "keep walking" and snapping shots. Is this what it is like to be a super model?

Next, I was photographed in the O.R. singing to a child until she fell asleep. It felt so odd to have him moving this way and that way, clicking pictures, switching cameras, and getting different angles as I tried to sing to the child. I could see the child was more nervous than usual. It must have been tough for her to be going to surgery and be photographed for a magazine. While worrying about her and her mother, I noticed I was feeling really self-conscious. I was thinking, 'God, my hair!' and 'My mouth always look so stupid in photos when I am singing.' Then I realized that I was wearing a mask and a hat so all people would see was my eyes. There are some stupid things we think at the most odd times.

The next day, a guy from WGBH came to talk to a coworker and I at the recommendation of the acute surgeon. The guy from WGBH wants to do a story on our hospital and the innovative ways we treat children, including music therapy. I was so amazed when he told me this. I hope it works out. I would love to be on public radio or television. And what great press for the hospital.


Canada said...

That's awesome!!! Esp the feature about the innovative treatments. Great for the hospital, terrific for music therapy. Will you autograph my copy? I'm sure your hair looked just fine!

Hashbrown said...

no it doesn't. I am looking mangy. But I was in a cap in the OR so, no one will see my mangyness.

Anonymous said...

Hashbrown, you're so funny. I'm glad to hear about the publicity for your hospital. That's really cool. Let me know what you find out about if there's something on NPR or TV!

Psycho Kitty said...

You are going to have to let us know when the story is published!
And I don't think I've EVER seen you look "mangy". Just my $2 (for inflation).

Hashbrown said...

Girl, I never travel mangy looking so you have not seen it. But if I let my hair grow for more than 4 weeks, it gets puffy. And then it starts to look like a muffin top. Let me tell you, and AJWP will back me up on this one, looking like a muffin is never a good look!