17 July, 2006


There is so much to say about the past week. I don’t really know where to start. Since Canada asked how Madonna was, I will start there. Basically, she was fantastic. Here is what I loved.

The horse theme at the start was crazy but oh so Madonna-ish with the B&D references.

Her show would piss off pretty much any religion and world leader. I liked her political and social justice messages throughout the show. She used four different screens to project images on to go with each song, not counting the two screens of the live performance for those who were way in the back. It was like being live in a video on TV.

I especially LOVED it when she was tied to a crystal cross, wore a crown of thorns, and sang “Live to Tell.”

Her dancers were crazy good! They were wicked athletic and did a lot of acrobatic stuff. Then they danced on roller skates! Madonna danced throughout the show. She would be singing, then she would dance for a few minutes, and then start singing again and was not breathy or even breathing hard. She is wicked flexible and in her 40’s. I especially liked the pole dance to “Like a Virgin.”

She sang many of her old hits like “La Isla Bonita,” “Lucky Star,” “Erotic,” “Music,” “Ray of Light,” and “Drowned World.” Madonna played guitar and electric guitar on a couple of songs. She was hot with her electric guitar! My knees go shaky for women with electric guitars!

1 comment:

Canada said...

I LOVE the song Live to Tell (I danced to it with Paul Bowie at my grade 12 grad - how's that for useless trivia?). The whole concert sounds awesome, and I'm glad you had a good time (free tickets!!! How could it be bad?)