06 July, 2006

United States of Jesus Land

Have you seen this? I cannot even comment on the myraid of things wrong here without my head exploding all over my computer terminal. What the fuck is going on in my country?


Anonymous said...

Holy crap, this is what I was trying to post about when I broke my blog! Yeah, my little brother Brian lives in Memphis now and sent me this. You'll be glad to know that in video interviews of locals, a few people were actually significantly disturbed by it. Though lots of crazy insane people declared that they "loved" it. Also.

Psycho Kitty said...

Uh...helloooo...church, state, separation? Hello?

I even love Jesus and all, but you know what? That's both offensive and tacky. Even JESUS didn't want to get all involved in politics. Do these people never read the Bible?

Anonymous said...

No, psycho kitty, they really don't.

Canada said...

Gotta **love** the Bible Belt (note the sarcasm dripping all over that comment)

Hashbrown said...

I have got to flee to another country. This is too much for me. It just cannot be true. I cry for the loss of my country to the crazys.

Hashbrown said...

Also, did you see they have a bowling alley in their church? WTF? Does Jesus bowl as well as reign as Lord over America?

Can you believe these people vote?!?

Anonymous said...

Sadly, they do, which is why we have GWB in office.

Hashbrown said...

So sad, JPP but so true.

Anonymous said...

Why, when morons like this are given publicity, does it seem they are usually southerners? It's friggin' embarrassing. At least they didn't show anybody with furry teeth or hair in curlers. Crap.

PS - yes, Jesus bowls. He also plays softball.