18 July, 2006

Parenting Class

We started our parenting class last week and have another today. I am not looking forward to it that much. It was not that uplifting at all. Adoption from a state agency comes out of abuse, neglect, and tremendous loss. Our child will have gone through hell to get to us. This is not a happy thought. I try to think about it in terms that we will be there to provide a child a stable loving home when they need it most. But then you can sound all entitled and all “I am saving this child; give me a badge of honor” and that is not how I feel about it. I am not sure how to describe how I feel though. Any ideas?

The other thing is how freaking long the entire process is. It will be two month until the class is completed. Then we get to do the home study and that takes 3 months. Then we are in the waiting pool and a year’s wait is not uncommon. Because we want an infant, it could be much longer. Then the infant adoptions are adoptions at risk. This means that you are considered a foster parent for 3 or so years. I am going to be 60 when we finally get the kid on paper.

And you have so little control throughout the entire process. There is all the waiting, then you have like 2 seconds to decide if you want a kid when they become avalaible, and then you have to wait for ever to finally have take custody of them. You cannot do much of anything like consent to surgery in that whole time that you are considered foster parents. I do not like this process.

1 comment:

Clementine said...

It's really sad, isn't it? So much loss.