19 July, 2006


In one week, I got 2 emails from my parents. This is unheard of for they rarely email me at all. I can count the number of times on one hand for the past five years, including these two. The first was about my father having spinal stenosis and their plans for second opinions. I knew this was coming for my parents are in their 70’s, I think. I know that one day they would contact me or someone would to let me know one of them is seriously ill. Thankfully, spinal stenosis is rather common and treatable in a variety of manners. So he is not in any grave danger of dying.

Yesterday, I open my email to see another email from them. In this lovely email, they outlined their itinerary for their travels through October. This is unusual for they have NEVER sent me their itinerary. To top it off, this itinerary outlined how they are visiting each of my siblings and their families. Obviously, I was not on the list because they don’t visit, call, or write (until this week’s emails).

I am so livid that they would do something so mean spirited or thoughtless as emailing me a reminder of how they talk to and visit all my siblings. My chest burns with fury and my arms long to rip things apart. I am so sick of their games, thoughtlessness, and/or crap. Like I don’t know already that they are chummy with my siblings. I know it and it hurts enough. This email was just too much. Adding to my fury is the fact they have not responded to me from the letter I sent them in April. Clearly, my thoughts and feelings have no bearing in their world.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, Hashbrown. This makes me sad. I don't understand the point of what they are doing.

In any case, you are a great person, try not to let them get in your head though I'm sure that's pretty much impossible.

Hashbrown said...

Thanks JPP. The support of friends like you make it possible for me to finally get mad at them and make changes. I am sure, as time goes on, this sort of thing will become a slight annoyance. But right now, it is so incredably frustrating and infuriating.

Clementine said...

I loves ya, honey. I'm sorry you're going through such crap with your family.

Psycho Kitty said...

So am I. You are a great person, and have been for as long as I've known you. It is their loss, and I can't even begin to fathom them.

Hashbrown said...

Yo tambien! (me too in Spanish)

Albert said...

Sometimes symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain and fatigue can be more than just signs of getting older.