10 July, 2006

My Week

This week is going to be a crazy one.

Monday-Madonna Concert at 8 PM. They were giving away free tickets at work last week and I was quick enough to answer the email in time to get two! This should be fun!!

Tuesday-1 intern at work. Parenting class for adoption at 6 PM.

Wednesday - No work cause I will be at the Constitutional Convention at the State House all day and night.

Thursday - 2 interns at work. Hurry home to go to Margaret Cho show in Northampton, MA! I got two tickets as my wife's birthday present this year. She had to wait since May to go to the show. I am so excited for this!!!

Friday-2 interns at work. Go home and pass out from exhaustion.

1 comment:

Canada said...

Okay, so how was Madonna????

And have fun tonight - the first official step on the adoption path!!! Woo Hoo!!!!