05 July, 2006

Random Kindness on the T

On the Red Line last week, the driver said, "Please take all your belongings with you as you leave the train, including your bags, papers, trash, kids, dogs, and cats. Please be sure to take everything you brought with you except your bad day. Leave your bad day on the train and everybody have a good day."

On the Green Line B Train, I was trying to get off a very packed car; the Red Sox were playing. I was still trying to get to the door when it started closing. A man I never met before reached out and grabbed the door. He held it open for me as I finished plowing through the crowd and exited the train.


Anonymous said...

Wow, those are both very nice things. That will probably never happen again in such a short period of time on the T!

Hashbrown said...

No doubt. With the raise in the fair, no one will be feeling charitable on the T.