30 March, 2006

Barely Awake

This morning, after I hit the snooze the first time, I dreamed a young boy was telling me to hit it four more times. I got up after hitting it one more time.

Then on the train, I did not wake when we pulled into South Station. I woke as most of the people got off the train and it became very quiet, luckily.

Do you think I am tired?

Tonight, Peaches will pick me up from the train station and we are off to Connecticut for a conference. I am presenting and going to meetings and sessions. Peaches is lounging by the pool, reading, taking long baths, and going sight seeing. Lucky Peaches!!

I come home Sunday, only to fly out to another conference Monday, where I will be for nearly a week. Again, I am presenting but it is a completely different topic. My list of things to do at work before I leave for over a week is about 2/3 completed. I best get to work and check the rest off.

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