22 March, 2006

Here We Go Again

Sometimes I wonder if my friends and readers are thinking “Oh Jesus, here she goes again on the gay rights thing.” Trust me, I am sick of it too. But it just keeps going with new and devastating twists of proposed and voted on legislation. I would much rather put my time and effort into other things but I cannot. This is my life that is being attacked. These are my friends lives that are being attacked. I cannot stand idly by.

Recently, Catholic bishops
decreed their social service agency, Catholic Charities, will not adopt children to same-sex couples. Massachusetts’s law counters this discrimination, stating that gay and lesbian individuals can adopt and are not to be discriminated against. Unfortunately, we has been graced* with Governor Romney. Romney has asked his staff to write a bill that would allow Catholic Charities to discriminate against gays and lesbians. Nice, huh?

This is all crazy making in its self. As a former Catholic, I am disgusted by their un-Jesus-like actions. I am furious that Romney is supporting the discrimination by proposing to write a bill. But, I am most disgusted, furious, and heart-broken that the people of this Commonwealth are not up in arms that our Governor wants to write a bill to discriminate. People are so complacent and turn a blind eye to what is happening. Would they be so blasé about it if it were a bill to allow discrimination against people of color or people of different religions who want to adopt? Come on people. Stand up and control your government!

I think of the poem by Martin Niemöller as I watch all this happen around me. If the citizens of this Commonwealth who support us do not stand with us, they will come for another group next. Each victory over a minority emboldens those who hate and increases their determination to shape the world, as they want it. I don’t think many people will be happy in that world.


Anonymous said...

Hashbrown, you should see V for Vendetta though I think Peaches might hate it based on it's sci-fi sort of bent. Power to the people, bitches (to steal from Pajiba.com).

Hashbrown said...

Hey Jenny,
I want to see it. I Love the sci fi!!

Clementine said...

I think I might want to see it after reading the review you mentioned. I usually hate violent movies, but I'm feeling v. violent lately myself. Also, I like Natalie Portman.

Hashbrown said...

It was a great movie. My bro and I went today. He is sending me the graphic novel to read. I can't wait.

muse said...

I just saw it too! It rocked! Can't wait to get my mitts on the graphic novel too! :)