09 March, 2006

A Kiss Goodnight

The other night, Peaches went to bed before me. I walked into the bedroom and saw her asleep on her side with her book propped open over her shoulder and her bedside lamp on. I gently moved the book to the bedside table, switched off her light, told her I love her, and kissed her goodnight. It was so quiet and still. Life had slowed down to the very basic truths. As I snuggle up to her warm body, the clutter and clatter of my life faded away. I was left with only the entirety of my love for her. I cherish moments like this.

Peaches, thank you for Civil Union-ing me 5 years ago tomorrow. I love you.


Clementine said...

I love you, too, Hashie Darlin'. Happy 5th civil union anniversary!

Anonymous said...

You two are the cutest. Happy Anniversary!!!