12 March, 2006

Cinnabon foot and crazy dreams

It turns out that I do not have a stress fracture, thank God! Instead, the orthopedist said I have an inflammation of the soft tissue in the joint between the 2nd toe and the foot. He said the name but it all I can remember is the word started the same as Cinnabon. Cyna-something. Anyway, I get to wear this special shoe that looks a bit like a Teva for 3 weeks or until it does not hurt any more. I am much happier now that I am not imagining my foot bone with a fracture that grows and tears open with each step or lurch on the T. Someone’s imagination is a little too vivid and crazy.

Speaking of crazy and vivid imagination, I dreamed I was caring for many children this morning. We finished snack and were going outdoors, so I took the first one out down the stairs. Behind a tree was a mean skunk that came after us, growling. I was scared it would spray but could not remember if you were supposed to stand still or run from skunks. So I ran but it chased us, biting and scratching the baby and I. I finally outsmarted the skunk and got inside and locked the door (because attack skunks can open door handles, I guess). Then my coworkers arrived but no one was in a hurry to take us to the hospital. Then I woke up and I still have no idea what that crazy dream was about.


Anonymous said...

Dreams are so crazy! A lot of times I can piece them together into something that makes sense, but here's a good one for you - last week I had a dream that Peaches and I were walking to my apartment, like we had done dinner or something and she was walking me home.

We walked past a McDonald's with a giant parking lot a la Brighton but this was of course in the middle of Boston, which makes no sense. Anyway, a circus caravan was at the McDonald's and there were giant open cages with wheels where they were carting the animals. Right in front of our eyes, a lion escaped from his cage!

We freaked out and hurried to my apartment where I proceeded to warn everyone in the building about it but they seemingly didn't believe me and all went outside like there was nothing to worry about. I also tried calling 911 on our cell phone and got a response center in California, I guess because it was a cell phone, though I don't think that happens anymore.

Anyway, super weird. Oh, and the lion was some kind that doesn't really exist - it was white like a siberian tiger but with black spots like a leopard, but it was a lion with a mane and everything.

Hashbrown said...

Here is to crazy dreams!

Clementine said...

I don't know what your dream was about, but now I want a little cup of Cinnabon frosting. Is that gross? I don't like their cinnamon rolls, but I sure love their frosting!