28 March, 2006

Odd Jobs

Today, two Easter Bunnies visited the hospital where I work. You may ask, “Did they just hop on over?”

No. The two Easter Bunnies were lifted up to the third floor play deck in the basket of a fire truck much like this one. The Easter Bunnies then came though an opening in the railing and greeted the children and staff. Guess who got her picture taken with an Easter Bunny on either side ? You know it!! Guess who as paid to watch this whole event? You know it!!

I have the weirdest job some days.


Canada said...

Weird, yes, but also cool! Now, speaking for the straight women who want to know, were there firemen with the fire truck? And would you classify them as eye candy from a straight point of view? Just checking. I'll want details, 'kay?

Hashbrown said...

There were firemen in the truck and they came in to hang out with the kids and the Easter Bunnies. ButI am so not qualified to tell if a man is eye candy or not. I have not a lick of bisexuality in me. I am a true Kinsey six.

Anonymous said...

This is crazy funny. What a job indeed.