28 March, 2006

Pompous Asses

Have you ever been dismissed by someone? You know, dismissed by someone who believes they have power over you? I was the other day at work and unfortunately, in the immediate moment, he did have the power in the situation. I was told, "You can leave now." (I was not fired; it was only for a medical intervention)

It was awful to be cast aside so easily by someone of power and status. I wanted to say to him, "Just because you are a man and a doctor, you do not have the right to act like a pompous ass." I mean, come on! We are all professionals here; give me some freaking respect!

As women, we put up with this sort of entitled crap a lot. I see it all the time on the train. Men have to sit with their legs spread apart, their elbows out, their papers spread across the seat, while women sit taking up as little space as possible. Some men intentionally sit alone in a 3-person seat on the aisle seat with their laptop, briefcase, and crap on the other two seats when the train is standing room only.

Recently, Peaches and I spoke with our representative and he was dismissive of all the queers, people of color, and women. He was so antsy to leave and was so rude. The only people he paid any mind to were white men. Come on, it isn't like I pay taxes with gay dollars that are worth less than straight dollars? He needs to listen to because I am his employer. I am still so angry with him.

At work, I was near the breaking point when that doctor dismissed me. I wanted to defend myself from all of this. But instead I thanked the nurse and walked away. I was seething inside because I am just as good as anyone else. And no one, not that doctor, the rude men on the train, or that politician can take that away from me.


Psycho Kitty said...

That's exactly right. And knowing that shines through, it really does. You guys will find a way to defeat that asshat.

Anonymous said...

I love it. Asshat, good word.

Yeah, Hashbrown, you just have to know that they're wrong and keep kickin' ass. Though I know sometimes it's very depressing and frustrating.

I try to keep a sense of humor about things like that because otherwise I get too traumatized. But you know, sometimes I can't, and then I want to send them all crazy notes of hate and bile. On my nice pink notepad. But that seems counterproductive so I don't.

muse said...

I've so been there. I used to date an older guy (stupid young me, long story). We went to a cafe, where only another pompous older guy (the owner) came to talk to us... or rather, barely acknowledged my presence (I felt his gaze slide upon me as if I were a negligible quantity, a non entity even) and proceeed to talk only with my date, as if I weren't even there... and that is just _one_ such incident. Being a woman, and being young (not so much anymore, am 33) seems to be a recipe for being ignored, sometimes. Not even treated badly, just completely dismissed as unimportant.